Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Hello Everyone,
Last week was so great!!! The work has been really moving forward, and we have two investigators now working towards a set baptismal date! Keep Rhonda and Lori in your prayers! We also Had Zone conference, which was great and really motivating! After we got out, we decided to do some tracting until dinner, and we found a new investigator! His name is Ryan and we are really excited to meet with him again! We had dinner that night at a spaghetti dinner they were having to raise money for a boy in the second ward. There was a huge turnout, and it was so cool to see a small community really come together for one boy. He is having a heart transplant at age 11. I guess they were only anticipating about 300 people, and the turnout was more than triple that! My new companion, Sister Williams, and I loved the temple last weekend! It is a beautiful temple! And I am officially not a greenie anymore!!! YEAH!!! :) But really it is sad because it means we don't get the added hour of study anymore.
We have gotten a little more rain these last few days which is good, and some of the trees are starting to bloom! It is a beautiful area!! I love the people we work with and I love seeing the Lord's hand in their lives. And even more I love hearing them recount receiving an answer to their prayers!
I hope all is well! Much Love,
Sister Lisa Garfield

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hello All,
Last week was a hard one, we had a lot of canceled appointments, sickly investigators, and unanswered doors, but these things are not always in our hands, and we are doing all we can.
Tomorrow we are going to do service for an investigator of ours named Lori, we are going to pick oranges at her friends place, and that should be really good! This last week we got so do service for Lincoln city, moving things into storage so they can start renovations in their city hall, I things the man heading it up was surprised at how quickly we got it all done! But that is what happens when you have 10 elders and 2 sisters all loading things up! I love how service is such a good way to talk to people that we would normally never get to know, and a way to show them that we are here because we really care about them.
Yesterday in relief society we had a lesson on the talk from last conference called Choose Eternal Life. It talked a little about service, and how you serve. How do you give service? You find a need and fill it. That is what I hope I can do out here, find the needs of those we interact with, and meet those needs. Service is one of the best ways to get to know a person, and learn to love them, and show them your love, so how could I not love the people in this area? This is where I ahve been called to serve. That is what is on my mind, and I hope you all know how much I care about you all back home, and how influencial you have been in my life. Thank you!
Much love,
Sister Lisa Garifeld

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Dearest Family and Friends,
I hope all is well at home! Any snow yet? The weather has been really dry out here, which is unusual, but it should rain soon. It has been a little cooler these past few days, but we are surviving. :) Our Ward mission leader has zip lines and such in his backyard, and we got to go on them, as well as a bike ride with our relief society president on Monday, to build good relationships with the ward members! It was really fun!
We have also been finding a lot more success with those in our area and working with those in the ward! it has been really great!
Sorry I have no time. I hope this is finding all well!
Much Love
Sister Lisa Garfield

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January update

DSC00817 is the day we did Christmas run and got the presents from the fam. and did a white elephant with our zone and the Auburn zone, this is all of the sisters between the two! and I just realized that I sent that one last week too. sorry.
the other two are pictures of an awesome yard in our area!
The last two weeks with the holidays the library was closed on Monday, and last week was crazy busy, so I didn't get to write home. Sister Mitchell and I are both staying here in Loomis 1st ward, and the work has really been picking up! This last transfer did not bring a lot of change to the sisters, but our district has a new DL and we have a new ZL since Elder Booth is now is the land of eternal P-days. Oh, but the sisters in the Gridley zone are now prosyliting in Spanish and English, so that is cool!
I got to visit with Sister Rebecca Siemens the day she arrived, and that was really cool! One of the sisters was going home, so her and her companion came to our place to stay the night. We woke up at 2:45 to take the departing sister to meet the APs to drive to the airport, so we were all exausted the next day! But tired as we were we drove to the mission office to drop off sister Tubbs, to meet her new comp, and the new missionaries were all there doing president interviews, and waiting to meet their trainers. So I got to meet a lot of sisters from the mission! It was really good to see a familiar face too!
 It is really cool to see the changes that happen as peopel come closer the Jesus Christ. And it is amazing when you know that you got to be a small part of that. We all have hard things to go through, but I know that the Lord is there to strengthen us through our trials, and he wants us to succeed and have added joy in our lives, we just need to do all we can.
Thank you for all of the love prayers and support!
Much Love,
Sister Lisa Garfield

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

happy new year!

Happy New year everyone!
Christmas was so good out here! Probably the warmest one I've ever had! I also missed my family more that I ever have. Some of the members of our ward helped us feel a little more at home though, so that was good. Christmas eve we went to a family gathering that a member of the ward has every year, with tons of great mexican food and a lot of great people! Christmas morning we went have church bright and early at 8:30 and then we opened stockings and gifts with Sister Thomson and her mother in law, and spent most of the day taking it easy. I called home and talked to my family, loved that! and then we had dinner with our bishop, played games with a couple of his kids, and watched newly learned magic tricks by another of his children, and that was a lot of fun! Yesterday (P-day) we went shopping with the sisters in Loomis 3rd, and out to lunch, and then helped a woman in our ward wrap christmas gifts for her children! Today we are going over there for dinner, for their "second Christmas" and I am stoked! It has been a great opportunity to talk to people about Chirst at the Christmas season! The work is different this time of year but good! I hope everyone had a merry Christmas, and has a Happy New year!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!!!
I can't believe it is less than a week to Christmas! December has gone so fast! We had the ward Christmas party this last week, and that was a lot of fun, it was really cute! and we had a potential investigator there, and a referal from our bishop came, so that was good! right now is a good time to get out and talk to a lot of peopel, but not a very good time for making set appointments with most of them. I am enjoying the mild weathered December, even if I do miss the snow a little bit. :) This week is crazy, with all of the things the mission has planned, and staying busy with the members, service, and visiting people! We also have Santa run on Friday, and today is a half P-day so we have no time! Chirstmas eve we have been invited to a big party for dinner, with Mexican food, and to the Bishops for dessert! Both families will have people there that they want us to meet and get to know a little, so it should be fun! Christmas morning we have sacrament meeting from 8:30-9:30 and then we have the day to make bread, call home, write letters, and relax a little, we might get together with our zone or district too. And we are invited to bishops for dinner that night. and I think we will go visit some of those that have invited us to stop by. Tomorrow we have exchanges for the second time. So I will go out to Auburn and spend most of a day there. Last time I went out there, I got a headach becasue of the roads or something, but it was no good, so I hope that doesn't happen this time!

I hope all is well, and everyone is happy!
Love you all!
Sister Lisa Garfield

Monday, December 12, 2011


WE HAVE A NEW INVESTIGATOR!!!!! Her name is Deeanna. A ward member invited her over for dinner, and we went to the night of nativities afterward, and she told us a lot about what is going on in her life, and she is going through some hard stuff. But she agreed to have us over to talk with her some more and share a lesson. I am so excited! The ward members keep giving us food. We went to a member's house on Sunday and we picked some grapefruit and oranges and mandarins off of thier trees,and got a tour of their orchard. That was really cool! I love all of the fruit here! And we got some homemade bread from another member... it was so good! We have a bunch of invites for Christmas eve, and Christmas day, so that should be fun, and it will be good to have some time to relax. :D Today we went shopping with the sisters serving in the Loomis 3rd ward, and we had a lot of fun! I love it out here, but I miss all of the Utah Christmas things, light temple square and the festival of trees, not to mention everyone from home. Love you all, and Miss you! Happy holidays!
Sister Lisa Garfield